Sunday, April 7, 2024

Your purchase receipt - JEYJLN

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Issued: April 7, 2024
Your receipt
We charged $16.76 to your card ending in 5957.
You can check in via the American app 24 hours before your flight and get your mobile boarding pass.
Confirmation code: JEYJLN
Your purchase
Morgan Turner
Join the AAdvantage® Program
Preferred seat (CLT-MSY) $16.76
Document #: (0010648363667)
[$15.59 + Taxes & carrier-imposed fees $1.17]
Total cost $16.76
Your payment
Visa (ending 5957) $16.76
Total paid $16.76
© 2024 American Airlines, Inc. All Rights Reserved. one world airline partners
Additional Services are subject to credit card approval at time of ticketing. Additional Services may appear on multiple accompanied documents as a matter of reference.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Snap cancel

Cancel snap membership

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mall of Americaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I've been away for so long!!!

Liz and I went to Mall of Ameirca in October...I really want to update you about that, and the other stuff I've been shopping for (or not shopping as it were).

I'll edit this post tonight with the Mall of America Story. =)


Monday, August 17, 2009

Long Time, No...Shop?

Hello! I didn't forget about you, I promise. Since my last post, I haven't really shopped so I didn't have any sweet deals to blog about. But I thought I would add another entry just to keep this thing alive.

Here's the lowdown:

After moving to Wausau, buying a tv and couch, plus tons of credit card was pretty full. Then, due to recent car issues (new rear suspension), my credit card was pretty nearly MAXED OUT. Since I never, ever intended to live in debt to the credit card company, Travis and I sat down and worked through the numbers based on all my expenses (utilities, insurance, etc) and I am now two months into paying off my card.

I pay all my bills, have $150 budgeted for groceries every two weeks, $100 budgeted for gas every two weeks, and put the rest toward my card. No eating out, no movie theatre runs, no least until I'm out of debt. Friday, I paid over $800 toward my balance. According to the plan it will be totally paid off on September 25, barring any other costly emergencies.

Of course I miss shopping, malls, and sales...but I miss paying off my card every month more. There is no reason for me to have any debt. I don't have any student loans, my car is paid for (thanks mom and dad!), and I make enough money to cover my expenses. Plus, the less I owe on my card, the better my credit score will be. Yay!

I will keep you updated with the latest credit card news. I can't wait to blog about my girls weekend to Chicago, which happens to be the weekend of September 25th...Look out Michigan Avenue!!!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Audrey Hepburn

What is it with Audrey? It seems like every star they interview on the red carpet cites her as their fashion icon. I mean yeah, she looks SUPER classy in every photo I found on Google, but was that just great costume designers? Did she really have her own sense of style that was just miles and miles above the rest? I'm going to have to look into this one...

I may not know much yet about her style, but she has some great quotes attributed to her about earrings, sunglasses, and fashion... for example:

“My look is attainable. Women can look like Audrey Hepburn by flipping out their hair, buying the large sunglasses, and the little sleeveless dresses.” - Audrey Hepburn


Wausau Area Stores

So... since I wrote last I went to a few more consignment places...I'm trying to remember the order/what I got.

I checked out Prior Attire this past weekend (after I got my very first speeding ticket). It was a smaller store, and I tried on a few things but no hits. I will not likely return because the brands weren't that great. They did have a nice selection of wedding dresses, so maybe that concept will come in handy in 50 billion years... ha ha.

Today, I checked out Standing Ovations right downtown Wausau. Meh. Not impressed. I don't know if the Fox Cities consignment stores just spoiled me or if that is just a better area brandwise. I did buy a black shealth dress for half price or $115.30 total. Cute store, very nice owner...just clothing geared toward older women.

So next is Family it looks like a children's consignment store, but it's worth checking out. The owner of Standing Ovations actually recommended it to me.

Returning to the Fox Cities area soon to revisit Chic to Chic and The Ladies Room. Woo-hoo!!!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Full Price Relapse

Visiting Travis last weekend, I hit up the mall to find a pair of nude pumps for work. I have visions of wearing them almost everyday sans pantyhose. Classier than sandals, but still summer-ish. Agreed?

I went to Old Navy first since my closet has become very work oriented and I have little casual stuff for weekends, etc. I ended up getting a white cami (boring), a black cami (ditto), and a white and grey striped maxidress. It was full price (whoops) but I couldn't walk away from it for some reason. I think it was just the fact that I had been dying to try this trend, but none of the maxi dresses I found were long enough.

After Old Navy, I checked out DSW...which was a huge let down. I expected several options in the nude/tan pumps department, but didn't find anything. I did try on a fierce pair of Steve Maddon gladiator heels...but left them at the store since I currently have no where to wear such shoes.

After DSW, I headed to the shoe department at Macy's. Ahh Macy's. So dependable. I found the perfect pair of nude round toe pumps by Nine West. And they were on "sale" for $. Since I envision wearing them all the time, that's pretty good. Not as good as consignment, but pretty good.

The purchase at Macy's just started a snowball of "shopping fuzzies" and I visited Banana Republic. I am ashamed to admit that I was seriously tempted by two graphic printed sheath dresses, one cashmere sweater, and a host of skirts...but managed to pair down my fitting room mess to ONE graphic printed sheath that I had been eyeing on eBay. I am going to watch online to see if the army green pencil skirt that I loved goes on sale anytime soon...

No purchases at Forever 21...why do I go in there anyway?!? Such a mess!? Oh...I know...because the Forever 21 in Chicago was *amazing*...just a huge store sorted by category (casual, fancy, jeans) and then by color. Man...I miss Michigan Avenue. I'm sure my budget doesn't though...

Travis was less than impressed when I returned with the Banana Republic dress bag. He just has this thing against that store. And Tommy Hilfiger. Strange.

So, my foray back into full priced merchandised reminded me why I started shopping consignment in the first place.

On that note...I found another consignment store here in the Wausau area. I'm not sure of the name, but it is RIGHT by my apartment. Score!
